Municipal Court - Civil, Criminal, Traffic
Oregon, Lucas County, Ohio
Data Source:
City of Oregon Municipal Court
Search official court records for cases identifiable with a person or organization. Includes the jurisdictions of of Oregon, Harbor View, and within Jerusalem Township, in Lucas County, and north within Maumee Bay and Lake Erie to the boundary line between Ohio and Michigan between the easterly boundary of the Court and the easterly boundary of the Toledo Municipal Court. The jurisdiction in Lake Erie extends from the Maumee Bay north to Canada, then east just past West Sister Island to the Ottawa County Line near Crane Creek State Park.
Record Type:
Civil Court | Criminal Court | Criminal Records | Traffic Court
Criminal Histories
Michigan - Statewide
Data Source:
Michigan State Police ICHAT
Statewide check for criminal convictions from the Michigan State Police. All felonies and serious misdemeanors that are punishable by over 93 days are required to be reported to the state repository by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and courts in all 83 Michigan counties. Cost is $10.00 per search. Registration is required for first time users. To get started, click the Register link.
Record Type:
Criminal Court | Criminal Records